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Essential Tool Kit: Lent 2022

An online group course for the reading and singing of Gregorian chant.

195 US dollars
Online Sessions

Service Description

Five group sessions and one private, one-on-one session, as well as exercises to strengthen your skills at home, between sessions. Upon conclusion, you will have received all the tools you need to prepare a chant confidently on your own. LENT SCHEDULE: Tuesday evenings 7:00-8:30 (Central Time zone), March 8, 2022 - April 5, 2022 LESSON 1: pitch and rhythm ~ March 8 Clefs, four-line staff, solfege (half/whole steps), movable "do", basic counting (horizontal episema, dotted notes, bar lines), some "neums", interactive sight reading for the "re" modes LESSON 2: pitch and rhythm, ct'd ~ March 15 Review of Lesson 1, special neums (with practice exercises), flats and naturals, interactive sight reading for the "mi" modes LESSON 3: preparing a chant ~ March 22 Pulse and the ictus, dynamics, interactive sight reading for the "fa" modes, Latin pronunciation, chant as the "handmaiden of the word", ancient neums ("semiology"), "una voce", rehearsal techniques LESSON 4: modes and resources ~ March 29 Differentiation of the eight modes, psalm tones, interactive sight reading for the "sol" modes, ordinary vs. proper, antiphons, questions to consider when implementing chant in your church, overview of a number of chant resources both in English and Latin LESSON 5: relationship of chant and the Liturgy ~ April 5 In-depth look at the introit, gradual, acclamation, offertory, and communion chants; learn why chant has earned a special place in the musical treasury of the Church LESSON 6: private lesson ~ time TBD TUITION: $185 Early Bird registration thru Feb 22, 2022 $195 standard registration Feb 23, 2022 - March 5, 2022 Payments must be delivered in full before course begins, and can be made via PayPal, Venmo, or check. No refunds. DISCOUNT: Gather at least six other people for your own group course, and receive free registration for yourself.

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